电子邮箱: malcolm.dunlop@stfc.ac.uk/malcolm.dunlop@buaa.edu.cn
Researchareas: Ring current/Field alignedcurrent/Magnetospheric boundary/Magnetic field reconnection
Education :
Organisation |
Science and Technology Facilities Council, RAL Space |
Nationality |
British |
Project Position |
Magnetospheric Scientist, Leader of WP4 |
Position in Company |
Space Environment Scientist |
Academic Qualifications |
PhD Physics Diploma Imperial College BSc Physics |
Imperial College London Imperial College London Salford University |
1981-1983 1981 1977-81 |
Languages |
English |
French (conversational) |
Title: BSc (Hons),DIC, PhD (London), M Inst P, FRAS, CPhys.
(Member ofInstitute of Physics (C. Phys); Fellow of Royal Astronomical Society; Member ofAmerican Geophysical Union)
1983-1988英国帝国理工学院(Imperial College London)空间物理组助理研究员(Research Assistant)
1988-1991英国帝国理工学院(Imperial College London)空间物理组研究官员(Research Officer)
1991-2000英国帝国理工学院(Imperial College London)空间物理组研究员(Research Fellow)
2000-2002英国帝国理工学院(Imperial College London)空间物理组首席研究员(Principal ResearchFellow)
2002-现在英国帝国理工学院(Imperial College London)客座教授
2010-现在英国卢瑟福实验室(RAL Space)资深科学家
2011-现在英国华威大学(Warwick University)客座教授
Professional Experience:
1983 |
1988 |
Research Assistant, Space Physics Group, Imperial College London |
1988 |
1991 |
Research Officer, Space Physics Group, Imperial College London |
1991 |
2000 |
Research Fellow, Space Physics Group, Imperial College London |
2000 |
2002 |
Principal Research fellow, Space Physics Group, Imperial College London |
2002 |
Present |
Visiting Professor of Physics, Imperial College London |
2011 |
Present |
Visiting Professor of Physics, Warwick University |
2014 |
Present |
Professor at Beihang University BUAA |
Professional Recognition:
Certificate for contributions to the AMPTEspace mission; postgraduate course in space plasma physics; summer school onSolar System physics; training course on project schedule planning;international school on Excitations in Disordered Systems; SERC postgraduatemanagement school; various computing courses; trained in: electron microscopyand engineering drawing; VAX system managers course (by certificate). Member ofSt. John’s Ambulance (qualified Public First Aid).
System management; many PC/Unix packages(including: MS-OFFICE, Ventura, AutoCAD, MATLAB, Mathematica, Maple, AVS); extensiveuse of space mission and data centre software, various networking protocols(DECNET, TCP/IP, CBS); languages (C, Fortran, NAG, STARLINK software, variousgraphics languages); extensive use of a number of operating systems (CDC NOS,VAX/VMS, Manchester network, MS-DOS and Windows/NT).
Dunlop教授是英国卢瑟福实验室空间环境资深科学家,现在是北京航空航天大学现在国内什么app可以买球全职教授。他同时也是英国帝国理工学院(Imperial College London)、英国华威大学(Warwick University)、中国科学院国家空间科学中心(NSSC)客座教授。
Malcolm Dunlop教授长期从事空间物理和空间环境探测技术研究工作,具有丰富的空间卫星工程实施经验,并在空间物理研究领域取得了一系列重要成果。他1988年首次提出利用多点卫星磁场数据确定空间等离子体波动波矢的方法,并被广泛用于Cluster多点卫星低频等离子体波动探测数据的分析中;他利用Cluster卫星数据首次确定向日面磁层顶高纬磁场重联源区[Dunlop et al., PRL, 2009],制定欧空局探测土星的Cassini卫星磁场探测运行计划,为Cassini计划的顺利实施做出重要贡献[Dunlop et al., PSS, 1999]。他是Cluster和Double-Star卫星磁场和等离子体等仪器Co-I,在磁场数据校正、处理和多卫星联合观测上有丰富的经验。
Dunlop教授主持了一系列重大项目,包括在英国卢瑟福实验室空间物理部(RAL Space)负责的Swarm卫星数据校准项目,在国际空间科学研究所(ISSI)主持或客座主持的4个国际工作组。
2015年Malcolm Dunlop教授领导一个中外科学家团队,利用欧洲空间局(ESA)两个旗舰卫星计划Cluster和Swarm的探测数据,首次发现地球磁层和电离层电流耦合的观测证据。研究成果发表在国际空间物理权威期刊美国地球物理研究通讯(Geophysical Research Letter)上。欧洲空间局(ESA)科学网站也以“七颗欧洲空间局(ESA)卫星联合探测地球磁场”为题报道了这个新发现。该成果也是欧洲空间局Swarm卫星发射一周年亮点成果。
Shi, Q. Q., et, al. (2014), Solar wind pressure pulse-driven magnetospheric vortices and theirglobal consequences, J Geophys Res-Space, 119(6), 4274-4280.
Dunlop, M. W.,et al. (2015a), Simultaneous field-aligned currents at Swarm and Clustersatellites, Geophys Res Lett, 42(10), 3683-3691.
Dunlop, M. W.,et al. (2015b), Multispacecraft current estimates at swarm, J GeophysRes-Space, 120(10), 8307-8316.
Hush, P., S.C. Chapman, M. W. Dunlop, and N. W. Watkins (2015), Robust statisticalproperties of the size of large burst events in AE, Geophys Res Lett, 42(21),9197-9202.
Lu, H. Y., J.B. Cao, Y. S. Ge, T. L. Zhang, R. Nakamura, and M. W. Dunlop (2015), Hall andfinite Larmor radius effects on the dipolarization fronts associated withinterchange instability, Geophys Res Lett, 42(23).
Zhang, L. Q.,W. Baumjohann, J. Y. Wang, H. Reme, M. W. Dunlop, and T. Chen (2015a),Statistical characteristics of slow earthward and tailward flows in the plasmasheet, J Geophys Res-Space, 120(8), 6199-6206.
Zhang, L. Q.,L. Dai, W. Baumjohann, H. Reme, M. W. Dunlop, and X. H. Wei (2015b),Parallel-dominant and perpendicular-dominant components of the fast bulk flow:Comparing with the PSBL beams, J Geophys Res-Space, 120(11),9500-9512.
Zhang, L. Q.,J. Y. Wang, W. Baumjohann, H. Reme, L. Dai, M. W. Dunlop, T. Chen, and Y. Huang(2015c), X lines in the magnetotail for southward and northward IMF conditions,J Geophys Res-Space, 120(9), 7764-7773.
Zhang, L. Q.,J. Y. Wang, W. Baumjohann, H. Reme, and M. W. Dunlop (2015d), Earthward andtailward flows in the plasma sheet, J Geophys Res-Space, 120(6),4487-4495.